Author: pekochan216

Roasted Green Tea Cookies

Roasted Green Tea Cookies

Today I made roasted green tea cookies. Roasted green tea, know as hojicha in Japanese is actually green tea that has been roasted over charcoal. This technique originated in Kyoto Japan. I used hojicha in an untraditional way by adding it to my cookies! Oh, 

5/24, 31Next Week! Vegan Brunch Class

5/24, 31Next Week! Vegan Brunch Class

Next week! Come and learn how to make a vegan brunch! We will be making a tofu quiche, mushroom polenta, radish salad, and parsnip soup. Come and improve your English skills while learning how to cook delicious food at the same time! ビーガンブランチ 日にち:5月24日 10時半~1時半 5月31日 11時~2時 

Peko’s Local Tour 今週末ウエストビレッジツアー

Peko’s Local Tour 今週末ウエストビレッジツアー


This weekend we will be taking a tour of the West Village. Forget all of the touristy spots, we will be visiting all of the local hot spots.  Come and experience New York life like a real New Yorker!

ウエストビレッジ 5月18日 11時半~2時半
ダンボ、ブルックリン 5月25日 11時半~2時半

みんなでブランチをしながら英会話をして、 みんなのオススメスポットの交換します。



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This Weekend! 5/18 Peko’s West Village Tour- ウエストビレッジツアー

This Weekend! 5/18 Peko’s West Village Tour- ウエストビレッジツアー

This Saturday we will be taking a tour of the West Village. Come and practice your English conversational skills while enjoying a nice walking tour of local shops and sites. We will be visiting all the best local spots! ダンボ・ノリータ・ウエストビレッジツアー(6人まで) ノリター 5月15日 10時~1時 ウエストビレッジ 5月18日 

5/16 Herbal Natural Remedy Class and Herb Tea Blending ハーブティーで病気予防

5/16 Herbal Natural Remedy Class and Herb Tea Blending ハーブティーで病気予防

Next week we will enjoy making our own blend of herbal tea, an herbal dessert and we will also learn how to use herbs to better our health. Everyone will leave with their own personal herb tea blend!     日にち:5月16日 11時~1時 美味しいハーブティーのブレンド、ハーブデザートを作りましょう!   *各ハーブの効用説明(風邪予防、ホルモンバランス、美肌、便秘予防など) *お土産に3種類のブレンドのティーを作って持って帰って頂きます。 

Weekend in the Hamptons/North Fork

Weekend in the Hamptons/North Fork

This past weekend with visited Hampton Bays. We had a nice time riding our bikes to the ocean and eating seafood.
We had great clam chowder at Tully’s in Hampton Bays. We also bought salmon there and fresh asparagus from a nearby vegetable stand called Nurel’s and made a nice dinner.


We also visited a few farms in the North Fork of long Island. They had beautiful potted plants and fresh vegetables.
They also had some free-range chicken farms and goat farms.

Make your Own Herb Tea Blend!5/16料理で英語レッスンハーブティーブレンディングとテイスティング

Make your Own Herb Tea Blend!5/16料理で英語レッスンハーブティーブレンディングとテイスティング

Did you ever want to try and make your own personal blend of herb tea? Did you ever wonder how to use herbs to improve your health? In this class we will learn all about herbs including herbal remedies, how to use herbs in your 

May Eikaiwa Afternoon Tea Classes

May Eikaiwa Afternoon Tea Classes

This month I will be holding many new classes including English only picnic, Vegan brunch cooking classes, and herb tea blending. Come and join in the fun! This month’s classes are $5 off for anyone who refers a friend to a class. 5月の英会話アフタヌーンティーのスケジュールです★ 今月は友達を紹介して頂いたお客様は5ドルオフとなります! Peko’s 

This Friday: Come and join us for an English Only Picnic at Central Park! 5月3日セントラルパークでイングリッシュオンリーピクニック

This Friday: Come and join us for an English Only Picnic at Central Park! 5月3日セントラルパークでイングリッシュオンリーピクニック

The weather has finally gotten warmer which makes it a perfect time to go outside and enjoy the weather. Come and join us for an English only Picnic at Central Park.  We will be enjoying vegan snacks while practicing our English conversation skills at the same time!


5月3日 11時半〜1時








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Next Month’s Eikaiwa Afternoon Tea Classes and Events-5月の英会話アフタヌーンティースケジュール

Next Month’s Eikaiwa Afternoon Tea Classes and Events-5月の英会話アフタヌーンティースケジュール

Next month I will be holding all new classes and events. In celebration of the warmer weather we will be having several classes outside in the park as well as tours around the city and Brooklyn. I’m looking forward to another fun month of events!