Tag: マクロビオティック

Renkon-Japanese Lotus Root: Where does it Come From???

Renkon-Japanese Lotus Root: Where does it Come From???

Renkon or ” lotus root ” is a root that is  popular in many Japanese dishes such as nimono ( braised vegetables), kinpira ( sautéd in sugar and soy sauce) and tsukemono ( Japanese Pickles). It is a popular root used in macrobiotic cooking and 

Mother’s Day Banana Cocoa Brownies (Vegan and gluten free!)

Mother’s Day Banana Cocoa Brownies (Vegan and gluten free!)

For mother’s day I decided to use  a recipe that I found in my Japanese Macrobiotic Sweets Book that I bought recently.  I altered the recipe a little bit and made it gluten free by replacing the wheat flours with oat flour. It may be